This workshop will describe and address the important role of the addiction psychiatrist in advising, educating and treating pregnant women and young mothers as well as educating the public and policymakers about the use of cannabis/THC/CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Given the stark magnitude of the numbers of pregnant women and young mothers using cannabis and the lack of clarity among physicians and the public about the science of cannabis/THC/CBD use during this critical period, it will behoove addiction psychiatrists to learn about the current state-of-the -art science regarding cannabinoids from AAAP authority on the subject Kevin Hill, MD, and Nadejda Bespaloa, MD, an expert in perinatal psychiatry and Gregory Bunt, MD, an experienced addiction psychiatrist for pertinent clinical perspectives. Their presentations will be followed by an audience poll on the subject with an interactive question-and-answer period that promises to be vibrant and lively with a discussion of diverse professional opinions on this critically important subject.