Benzodiazepines have been referred to as the next prescription drug epidemic. Caring for patients who chronically use prescription benzodiazepines present many challenges to clinicians. Profound psychological attachments as well as idiosyncratic aspects of physiologic dependence contribute to these challenges. In this session we will explore the newly described and closely related concepts of “benzodiazepine induced neurological dysfunction” (BIND) and "complex persistent benzodiazepine dependence” (CPBD). BIND describes a constellation of functionally limiting neurologic symptoms aAAnd adverse life consequences that are the result of neuroadaptation and/or neurotoxicity resulting from benzodiazepine exposure. CPBD refers specifically to the significant psychiatric instability and functional decline, with or without new aberrant behaviors, that manifests during attempted benzodiazepine deprescribing and may be misinterpreted as benzodiazepine use disorder (BUD). These heuristics can help clinicians develop a better understanding of complex often confusing clinical situations in patients with chronic benzodiazepine use. We will also discuss the nuances of benzodiazepine tapers, when they are indicated, when they are not indicated, and options for implementation. Finally we will review how to utilize motivational interviewing skills to engage patients in a discussion about goals of care including possible benzodiazepine deprescribing