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APC: Overview of Seeking Safety and Finding Your Best Self: Two models for trauma and/or addiction: Lisa Najavits, PhD

Lisa M. Najavits, PhD is director of Treatment Innovations and adjunct professor, University of Massachusetts Medical School. She was on the faculty of Harvard Medical School for 25 years and was a research psychologist at Veterans Affairs Healthcare System, Boston for 12 years. Her major clinical and research interests are substance abuse, trauma, co-morbidity, behavioral addictions, veterans' mental health, community-based care, development of new psychotherapies, and outcome research.  She is author of over 200 professional publications, as well as the books Seeking Safety (a treatment manual for trauma and addiction); Finding Your Best Self (self-help for trauma and addiction); and A Woman's Addiction Workbook. She has served as president of the Society of Addiction Psychology of the American Psychological Association; and has consulted widely on public health efforts in addictions and trauma, both nationally and internationally, including to the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, the National Institutes of Health, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Surgeon General, the United Nations, and the American Society of Addiction Medicine. She is on various advisory boards and has received awards including the Betty Ford Award of the Addiction Medical Education and Research Association; the Young Professional Award of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies; the Early Career Contribution Award of the Society for Psychotherapy Research; and the Emerging Leadership Award of the American Psychological Association Committee on Women. She is a licensed psychologist in Massachusetts and conducts a psychotherapy practice. She received her PhD in clinical psychology from Vanderbilt University and her bachelor's degree with honors from Barnard College of Columbia University. 

Abstract and Learning Objectives
This session will cover an overview of two models for addiction and/or trauma: Seeking Safety and Finding Your Best Self
During this interactive session Dr. Najavits will cover:
A brief overview of  the two models, and why they are important for patients and providers 
Learning Objectives:
  • Describe indications for each model; and differences between them
  • List implementation aspects
  • Recite linkages between trauma and addiction
  • Apply knowledge to help patients and their families
  • Explain public health considerations in trauma and addiction (increasing quality of care and access to care)
Availability: On-Demand
Expires on Dec 01, 2025
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
1.5 CME Credits
1.5 Other Professionals Credits
American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry
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